SMO - Social Media Optimization Services
Brand your firm with an intelligent and Creative marketing strategy which is dealing with social media optimization – SMO strategy.
Social Media Optimization Services include Custom Profile Design, Social Media Contests, Social Media Setup, Social Media Management, and Brand Monitoring.
Social media frequently channels into the discovery of new content, for example, reports, and “discovery” is a search action. Numerous individuals also perform searches at social media sites to discover social media content. Social associations may also affect the importance of some search results, either inside a social media portal or at a ‘standard’ search engine. Social media itself is a track of all data for websites and content that may present fundamentally extraordinary social activities.
Nowadays people use many Social Media Sites but some of the leading are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit, Tumblr, Quora, and Snapchat.

SMO Affordable Package Price in Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, India
Account Management (Platforms) Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest
Create SMO Marketing Strategy & Plan
Account Management Any 2
No. of Posts Weekly 1
Video Posting Monthly (Provide By Client) 1
No. of Customized GIFs Monthly 1
Creation of Social Media Account
Creative Design + Content + Promotions
Page Creation
Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
Profile Creation
Call To Actio Button Creation
Platforms Inter Linking
Hashtag Research
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
Create SMO Marketing Strategy & Plan
Account Management Any 3
No. of Posts Weekly 2
Video Posting Monthly (Provide By Client) 2
No. of Customized GIFs Monthly 2
Creation of Social Media Account
Creative Design + Content + Promotions
Page Creation
Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
Profile Creation
Call To Actio Button Creation
Platforms Inter Linking
Hashtag Research
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
Create SMO Marketing Strategy & Plan
Account Management Any 4
No. of Posts Weekly 3
Video Posting Monthly (Provide By Client) 3
No. of Customized GIFs Monthly 3
Creation of Social Media Account
Creative Design + Content + Promotions
Page Creation
Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
Profile Creation
Call To Actio Button Creation
Platforms Inter Linking
Hashtag Research
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
*Terms and Condition Apply. +Taxes will be extra as applicable.